Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rally next week on Thursday and Friday Sept 20 and 21st against Nukes!

  1. Capitol Rally for a Nuke Free Future! @ Capitol Reflecting Pool
  2. 11:30 am – 2:00 pm
  3. Read more
    Categories: Action
  4. It is time for parents and especially mothers to STAND UP for the future.
  5. Speakers include:
  6. Jim Riccio, Greenpeace USACathy Iwane, Concerned mother & evacuee from Fukushima
    Gary Shaw, Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC)Susan Hito Shapiro, Radiation and Public Health Project & Hudson River Sloop Clearwater
    Courtney Hansen, Georgia Wand & Stop Plant VogtleLou Zeller, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
    David Kraft, Nuclear Energy Information ServiceMali Martha Lightfoot, Helen Caldicott Foundation
    Jackie Posey & Mandy Hancock, Southern Alliance for Clean EnergyDiane D’Arrigo, Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) & Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network
    Kristen Iversen, kristeniversen.comLeslie March, Sierra Club
    Chris Williams, SAGE AllianceTerry Lodge, Esq, representative of antinuclear intervenors in Ohio and Michigan
    Kendra Ulrich, Friends of the EarthNancy Burton, Esq, Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone
  7. According to Helen Caldicott: Insufficient as it is, even the National Academy of Sciences BEIR V11 Report, widely accepted as the industry standard, clearly states:
  1. There is no safe dose of ionizing radiation. Any exposure can trigger cancer.
  • Although the reasons are not yet clearly understood, women and children are 
significantly more vulnerable.
  • Women are 40-60% more likely to get cancer than men, given the same exposure. 
They are about 50% (half again) more likely to acquire a fatal cancer from this exposure. This means that for every two men who die of radiation related cancer, three women will die given a similar exposure.
  • Children between the ages of 0-5 are more vulnerable than all adults, both men and women. But what is almost never discussed, also from the BEIR V11 Report, is that in this age group little girls are twice as vulnerable as boys. This means that for every boy, there will be two girls who will acquire a fatal or non-fatal cancer.
  1. This is truly shocking, and when applied to the situation in Japan leads to a horrifying vision of the future. But, the fact is, these same numbers have been found for exposure to tritium and other radioisotopes, released from every nuclear reactor legally and illegally. Furthermore, the industry’s denial that clusters of childhood leukemia exist around nuclear reactors has been refuted by a number of current studies that have found these clusters DO exist. This includes the recent KiKK Study from Germany, and the Geocap study in France.If actuarial figures were holographs, we would start to see the people of Japan begin to fade before our eyes, with disproportionate vulnerability. For every two men, three women disappearing from the future, lost to cancers and radiation-related disease. For every adult, there will be disproportionately more children. For every boy, twice as many little girls… vanishing. This is a powerful image.
    2. Congressman Dennis Kucinich
      Congressman Dennis Kucinich
      “It it is very difficult for me to sit here today and to listen objectively as the NRC and nuclear industry lobbyists tell us how much has been spent, and how much security has improved… . The facts and the independent experts tell us differently.”
    3. This briefing for our representatives, sponsored by Representative Dennis Kucinich’s congressional office, has several aims. We hope to live-cast the briefing, or make a video available afterwards as the 60 or so seats will be allocated to representatives first.
    1. It is meant to focus attention on the medical effects of radiation exposure.
    2. Call for the phase out of nuclear power beginning with the rapid closure of Mark I and Mark 2 boiling water reactors in the US, in concert with plans to meet our energy needs through conservation, efficiency and renewable energy sources. We also call for the decommissioning of any reactors with serious safety concerns or located in a seismic/tsunami prone area.
    3. It is meant to heighten the focus on the continuing catastrophe in Fukushima, Japan and especially in regards to spent fuel pool in the number 4 Reactor which will hopefully still be intact by September and this in relation to our unresolved issue of nuclear waste disposal here in the United States
    4. Moderator: Brent Blackwelder, emeritus president of Friends of the Earth
    5. Speakers
      1. Mitsuhei Murata, Japan’s former Ambassador to Switzerland
      2. Arjun Makhijani, author of Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy and world renowned nuclear expert will also be speaking.
      3. Dr. Catherine Thomasson, Executive Director of Physicians for Social Responsibility
      4. Chieko Shiina, mother, organic farmer and antinuclear activist
      5. Mariko Bender will make a passionate appeal of behalf of herself and the World Network for Saving Children from Radiation.
      6. Arnie Gundersen will update us and answer questions about the Fukushima catastrophe and reactor in relation to our own nuclear plans.
      7. Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear will address the dangers of the GE Mark 1 and Mark 2 reactor designs.
      8. Michael Mariotte of NIRS will provide testimony on the state of our decrepit Nuclear fleet in the United States.
      9. Alice Slater of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation will address the relationship between Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Energy.
      10. S. David Freeman, senior advisor with Friends of the Earth’s nuclear campaign
    1. We need to mobilize the grassroots to lobby their congress people to attend with letters, phone calls and petitions during this period. C.A.N. will send a formal letter of invitation to all congressional members. Dennis Kucinich, whose office reserved the room for us will send a dear colleagues letter closer to the event and we are lobbying other congressional representatives to do the same.
    1. Busboys and Poets Fundraiser! Live Music and Speakers @ Busboys and Poets
      8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
    1. This Fundraising evening of NO Nukes camaraderie will be co-hosted by C.A.N. founder and director Priscilla Star and Campaign Coordinator Michael Leonardi, and Harvey Wasserman, author of Solartopia.
    2. Special guests will include…
    3. Iori Mochizuki, the creator of Fukushima Diary
    1. Live Music will include The Insurgency from Detroit, Michigan.
    2. Libbe Halevy will supply musical levity by taking the stage to sing two original satiric songs.
    3. This event will expose the ongoing media blackout of Nuclear issues around the world and honor journalism with courage.
    4. There will be hors d’oevres and a cash bar.
    1. Entrance fee – $25.
      Space is limited to 100 people. Purchase your tickets in advance:

    2. # of Tickets



    2. A Message of Healing and Affirmation @ Museum of the American Indian
      10:00 am – 12:00 pm
      The Museum of the American Indian will host attendees of the Rally for a Nuclear Free Future at a ceremony to acknowledge the effects of the nuclear fuel cycle on Native American lands.
      Uranium mining and milling have taken a huge toll on Native American health and has cost many lives. In this solemn ceremony, we will remember our innate connection with the Natural World, offer thanks for our shared vision of a nuclear-free future, and acknowledge the injustice perpetrated on Native Lands.
      The National Museum of the American Indian
      The National Museum of the American Indian
      A tour of the museum will follow the ceremony.
    3. Rally: NO NUKES – NO WAR / Occupy the NRC @ NRC Headquarters
      2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
      Read more
      Categories: Action

      Rally NO NUKES NO WAR!! / Occupy The NRC @ 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, This will include a peaceful protest outside the building and a public meeting inside the building if possible. This Rally will have a NO NUKES/NO WAR theme and is taking place on what the United Nations has designated as the International Day of Peace or “Peace Day”. Speakers will address radiation and public health, the NRC’s reclassifying of depleted uranium to be used for weapons making, uranium mining and enrichment, nuclear weapons and war, and the relationship between the nuclear energy industry and the war machine. Confirmed speakers for this historic demonstration include Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, Sierra Club environmental justice organizer and native Rights Activist Robert Tohe, Congressional Fellow for the Physicians for a National Health Program Dr. Margaret Flowers, War is a peace activist David Swanson, executive director of Voters for Peace Kevin Zeese and grassroots voices from across the country from Vermont Yankee to Indian Point to North Anna to Palisades to Davis Besse to Fermi to Hanford to San Onofre and beyond! The rally will also address the NRC’s reclassifying of depleted uranium to be used for weapons making, uranium mining and enrichment, nuclear weapons and war, and the relationship between the nuclear energy industry and the war machine. 2pm – 5pm (confirmed)
    4. An Evening Rendezvous with No Nukes Films @ Letelier Theater
      6:30 pm – 10:30 pm
      Flyer art for the CAN rally after-party and film screening at the Letelier Theater in Georgetown, Friday September 21. Flyer art courtesy Yuko Tohonira. Anyone in the DC area interested in distributing some around their neighborhood, please contact us.The Letelier Theater has been described as a hidden gem in the heart of Georgetown. The theater boasts an outdoor courtyard where folks that just want to chat, eat some food or have a drink and mingle can relax. After a busy and boisterous day including a Native American ceremony and protesting the NRC headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, we will have a wonderful chance to view two excellent new films on nuclear issues in the United States and Japan. The film screenings will be followed by a short discussion.

      Please note: Theater seating is limited to 90 seats, and seats will be available on a first-come, first-served

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